Over the last 12 months, schools have really had to roll with the punches when it comes to adapting their working practices. This has meant embracing huge changes in the way they communicate with colleagues, parents and pupils, often using new technology to continue to teach and meet parental demands. Many schools may have already introduced a VoIP system to help them to embrace more flexible working patterns and remote communications; the versatile system needs only a working broadband connection to bring a whole lot of connectivity to teams’ fingertips.
Even if your school teams are starting to get back to normal or are trying to embrace a new normal way of working, a VoIP system can really help to keep colleagues connected and manage parent’s expectations.
As the vaccination programme continues to roll out across the country, schools may still be working to reduced capacity behind the scenes as office staff need to self-isolate or shield whilst teaching staff return to the classroom. Whatever the current reality is for your school, you need your entire staff body to be able to communicate effectively as well as making it as easy as possible for parents to get in touch with their queries. A flexible VoIP system is the answer.
Dedicated Phone Lines
Help parents get the help and advice they need quickly and without frustration by setting up dedicated phone lines for their most common queries right now. These can be altered easily as demands change but in the short term, setting up separate numbers will ensure parents are able to reach who they need, when they need to, reducing frustration.
Hunt Groups
The hunt group feature is one of the VoIP system’s greatest assets. You can put staff into linked call groups: multiple phones will ring allowing any one of a number of colleagues to answer. This will mean no one staff member is overwhelmed by a large volume of called and staff can spread out the workload as though they were seated side by side in the office.
Automated Message System
Another key feature of the VoIP system is the automated message function which allows you to set up automatic responses to common queries – parents can call a dedicated phone line with their query and receive the information they need without burdening staff. Particularly useful in keeping parents informed without increasing pressure on your workers.
Communicating with Offsite Workers
It may be necessary to provide flexible methods of communicating with those based away from the school site too. A VoIP system provides that ease of use allowing staff to use a physical handset, computer or mobile phone app to keep in touch with those not based in the school. It’s easy for colleagues to keep in touch or for pupils to contact teachers needing to work remotely.
The flexibility of the VoIP platform, coupled with its relative low cost to expand or reduce as needed
– all you need are additional handsets rather than costly infrastructure – make it ideal for this period of transition.
To discuss options for your school, give Equations a call 01237 420010 today.