2022 is looking like an increasingly tough year for businesses. With inflation predicted to top 11%, energy bills soaring and people spending less and less to weather the cost of living storm, it’s easy to feel quite despondent about the outlook. BUT there are always small ways to adapt, adjust and maybe save a few pounds along the way and this year more than ever, those few pounds may make a massive difference.
Go Paperless
Businesses have been heading this way for years in a bid to reduce waste and minimise environmental impact but choosing to go paperless now will also save you precious capital too. Now’s a great time to review your systems and make sure you have the infrastructure right to move everything electronic. A few small switches and before you know it you’ll be a happily paper free zone.
Reduce Meetings
Team members tied up in meetings are team members who could be busy doing other important work and really, how many face to face meetings are actually necessary? Encourage your team members to explore other options: would a telephone call suffice? Does the meeting need to take place in the office when people may have to travel in? Can the length of the meeting be curtailed?
Explore Home Working
Now is definitely the time to consider whether your staff all have to be present in the office for your business to run as normal. If the answer to that is no, then you can make obvious cost savings in allowing staff to work from home either full or part time. You’ll save on energy, wasted commuting time and could even reduce your office floorspace if the arrangement becomes more permanent.
Switch to VoIP
BT Openreach will be switching off the analogue and ISDN phone network in 2025 and there will undoubtedly be a rush on demand for engineers to help businesses make the switch to VoIP as the date approaches. And as demand increases, so does cost and lead times. Save your business the hassle of trying to secure an engineer for an inflated price in the future by switching your system out now. Businesses also repeatedly report up to 80% savings on their phone bills when using VoIP rather than traditional phone lines. A clean cut case of spending now to save in the future.
If you’d like to discuss your communications system, please do get in touch with the team at Equations on 01237 420010.